Privacy Policy - L.E.N. Beats

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Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy
Owner: Len Schenk, Dubnaring 15a, DE 17491 Greifswald
This privacy policy applies to the L.E.N. BEATS website at The website may contain links to other providers that do not necessarily adhere to this privacy policy.
1. Personal data will be collected, processed, or used by L.E.N. BEATS only as allowed by the German Data Protection Act (BDSG).
2. No cookies are placed on users' devices when accessing the L.E.N. BEATS website. L.E.N. BEATS does not use any tracking tools for analytical or statistical purposes such as collect personal data.
3. If users provide information on the contact form, we will use this data only to the extent necessary to reply.
4. If users enter into a contract with L.E.N. BEATS to use audio files already provided for download, L.E.N. BEATS will only use the information provided to fulfill the terms of that contract.
5. L.E.N. BEATS makes uses of services provided by third parties to allow its website to operate. These providers are contractually obligated to treat any data they obtain exclusively as instructed by L.E.N. BEATS, unless these providers have their own obligations to process personal data (such as payment service providers such as PayPal). Under no other circumstances, does L.E.N. BEATS provide the personal of its users and customers to other companies.
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